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"Self, Digi" 

In the virtual digital world, what is "self"? What is your identity?

Interactive Media Arts Capstone Project: An VR Interactive Fashion Show for NanoLove: A Capsule Collection

Project Name: "Self, Digi" 

Project Type: Collaboration Project

Partner: Dana Kosber (Fashion Design Senior from Parsons School of Design)

My Role: Show Director & VR Developer & Visual Designer

Time Duration: 3 months (2022.02-2022.05)


This project is launched to explore the possibilities of using VR as an interactive medium to support fashion designers presenting their clothes economically, environmentally, and in a functionally friendly way.

“Self, Digi” is an interactive fashion show in virtual reality for the “NanoLove” capsule collection. Through the construction of a virtual environment and the application of digital assets, “Self, Digi” creates a platform for fashion designer Dana Kosber to have a hyperspatial dialogue with the audience to discuss the interaction of fashion, self, and love in the cyberspace era. Dana devoted her own understanding of cyber fashion, self, and love, to digital fashion design and virtual avatars. Unlike traditional fashion shows, the audience can experience the entire show from a first-person perspective. The audience will be able to observe the clothes closely and try them on through the function of the avatar's cloning. In the final stage of the show, the audience can have an understanding of the design concept and emotional transmission from the designer through the dialogue with avatars.


By working with my partner Dana Kosber, a fashion designer and senior student of Parsons School of Design, I created a virtual, digital world for Dana's thesis collection "NanoLove", which imagines the way people clone digital avatars(fashion form) in the virtual world to experience different identity and self cognition, and discuss the relationship between human and machine, fashion and AI. 

Runway Highlights


The main runway show stage where four giant digital characters standing


We use AI-generated images as a sign and material to make a animated matrix effect, implying the VR show audience that this is a virtual world and fashion is created in digital way


This is a garment archive room where the audience can have a closer look at the garments. The concept film of the collection is playing on the wall screen. The audience is able to copy the avatar's dressing by coming closer to the avatars. The audience can also talk to the characters to see what identity they represent.

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